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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Animal Joke




There are three animals, a parrot, a monkey, and a tortoise. They are on a plane. Suddenly, the plane lost control, and it is going to crash. Then the parrot suggests that they will jump one by one after by the count of three. So they each grab a parachute and prepare to jump. The parrot counts first, and the parrot jump first. The monkey do not know how to speak, so it cannot count, but it “monkey see, monkey do”, so it follow the parrot count and follow the parrot jump, but the tortoise don’t know how to count, and also did not know how to follow, so in the end, the tortoise did not jump, and it ends up in the crash. But in the end, why only the monkey die?

Because after the parrot jump, the parrot did not open the parachute. Because the parrot has wings, and it uses wings to fly. The monkey “monkey see, monkey do”, and it just follows the action of the parrot. But monkeys don’t have wings, so the monkey continues to drop, and the monkey don’t know what the parachute is for, and also don't know how to use a parachute. As for the tortoise, it has a hard shell to protect it, so it survives in the crash. So, only the monkey dies.


慧·R said...

I was like...
This joke is better than science joke, honestly :D

soulofknight said...

thank you very much!! :D