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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Goodbye VoidRO

VoidRO is no more now. I miss VoidRO so much. I also miss all my friends who are inside. Goodbye VoidRO and goodbye all my friends.
Renegades: Young Kenobi, Chin12303, Splay Mark, Numbbutts, Tsunade, Star Ocean, Sephyr, Speed n Stealth, Flimigo, Selune, LordEdwardX, WarpGate, Valeria Amadore, Sir Rubeus, Bluedude, Matt Tuck
Other void friends: Marker(Alex Loriaux, Ryan), gissmoo, Sunday and more but forget their exact name.
GMs: Keale, Aroo, Kouryn, Eternity
Goodbye everyone. Please say hi if you guys happen to drop by my blog. :D
Any Void RO players happen to drop here, leave your email contacts too so we are able to continue to keep in touch. :)
-soulofknight, Ou Yang Feng, Storm