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clock (test test)


Monday, January 11, 2010

List some ways to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ? Explain your answers.

In order to prevent rejection, we must firstly do a HLA Typing test. This blood test looks at proteins called human leukocytes antigens, which is also known as HLAs for short. This proteins is being found on almost every surface of every cells in the human body.
The recipient's HLA and the donor's HLA must be the same, so that there will not be any rejections when there is an organ transplant.
After an organ transplant, our body are still not being cured totally. The reason is because the organ might still undergo rejection in the future. So the only way to prevent this is to take medicine.
This type of medicine is able to decrease the ability of a patient's immunity, and therefore, it also helps in preventing the rejection. However, this drug is not very good. The reason is because when a preson take this drug, their immunity will become lower, and their immunity against infections will be more weaker, and therefore, they will get infection more easily.
Also, in order to be safe, it is better for us to get organs from our close relatives. The reason is because by using organs of the close relatives, the chances of rejection will be lower.
Before having a transplant, the donor and the patients must also be checked on their health conditions, and to see that whether the organ transplant is able to go on. Like for example, if a donor does not realise that he himself has AIDS disease, and he donate his organ to someone in need. The person receiving his organs will get infected with the disease too. Therefore, checking the health condition is very important too, as it also checks whether a person is suitable to transplant his organs or not.
Also, it is more safer to get human donors rather to get animal donors. The reason is because humans and animals are genetically different, and if animal organs are being transplanted onto humans, the animal's genes and human's genes are different, and also, the immunity of that particular animal and humans are different, therefore, it might have more higher possibility of having rejections, therefore it is safer to get human organ donors.

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