In order to undergo the central dogma, the DNA has to undergo transcription and translation.
In transcription, the RNA Polymerase splits the double strand into a single strand. The RNA Polymerase will then bring the nucleotides, and then the nucleotides will firstly find the start codon. After finding the start codon, the RNA Polymerase will then begin to bind the nucleotides to form a single strand. As the RNA Polymerase moves along to form a longer RNA strand, the front part of the mRNA will detached from the single strand, and after the RNA Polymerase reaches the stop codon, the mRNA strand will be formed.
The mRNA strand will then move out of the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and then translation will occur.
For translation, firstly, the ribosome will bind onto the mRNA strand, and then it will also find the start codon. After it found the start codon AUG, it will then start to read.
As it moves along, the tRNA with the anti-codon on the other side will then bind onto the codon. On the other end, it has the amino acid. As the ribosome moves along, there will be more tRNA binding onto the codon.
As the ribosome moves along, the tRNA on the front part will started to detached with the mRNA strand, and leaving behind the amino acid. The ribosome will also help to form the peptite bond of the amino acid.
After the ribosome reaches the end codon, the amino acid will then be formed.
In order to form protein, there will be more amino acids formed, which will then made up proteins.
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