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Monday, May 11, 2009

First Labororatory practical lesson

Today is Monday, 11 May, 2009. Today is our first practical lesson. Few days ago, I bought a lab coat. It is for school use. Our school wants us to buy, and they do not want to borrow us. They just want us students to suffer.

Today, my teacher said that we had to be in school by 8.30am, instead of usual 9am. So I step out of my house before 7am, and reach there on time. At first I am worry whether I am late or not. Surprisingly, the lab is empty. I see another classmates, so I ask him where are all the classmates. He said that they have not arrived yet, and he said that the class starts at 9.15am.

After hearing this, I feel so angry. Angry about teachers, as well as students. After that, with some explanation, then I found out that it is some misunderstanding that someone heard the wrong information. I am a kind person, so I forgive them.

When the class start, we are all waiting outside the lab. I asked a girl to help me hold my lab coat, and I am going to the toilet for a while. After I came out, she is gone. At that time, I started getting a bit worried. I search for the girl nervously, because I cannot go in if I do not have the lab coat.

I nervously look for her around. I asked my classmates whether they seen her, but I am so stupid. I forgot her name. I actually forget my own classmate's name.

I guessed the girl would have already gone in, but I need the lab coat in order to go in. How could she go in first? So I nervously go around and walk around nervously, look around, and yet speechless when people ask me questions.

Maybe I am too nervous, I even mistaken another girl as that girl. When I go and ask her, she is confused, because she is the wrong person. She did not hold my lab coat. Classmates ask me where is my lab coat, and yet I am totally speechless. I forget the girl's name, and I could not ask them about the girl. The teacher is inside the classroom and I could not explain to her. I feel very hopeless and useless that time.

Finally, teacher said that my lab coat is with my classmates, and she allowed me to enter. I feel relieved that teacher let me in, if not I might not know what to say to teacher either, because I forgot her name, and the worst thing is I even mistaken another classmates as her. This is so embarrassing.

The lab lesson is quite interesting. We did about bacterias and stuffs. This is my first time stepping into the lab. But the lesson is quite confusing.

I have finally submitted my project summary. I am still waiting for reply. Hopefully they can accept my summary.


慧·R said...

Looks like you really dunno your classmates well...
Well all the best in your summary =)

soulofknight said...

It is not that I do not know her name. Maybe I am too nervous and I forget everything. Hope that will not happen again.

The project summary is being returned with news. It has been approved!!! :D