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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tomorrow is the start of school

Today is 19 April 2009. My school starts tomorrow. I am very depressed. I really hate this school. It is not that I do not want to study or whatever, but it is because I hate this school.

I really regret coming to this school. In fact, this school is not even in my choices, but yet the government put me into this school instead. The reason is because they say that my results does not fit the other schools. But I feel that this is unreasonable. All my other friends have almost similar results as me, but they all can go better schools than me, only I have to be stuck in this stupid school.

The reason why I hate this stupid school is because this school has presentations everyday. Unlike other schools, they do not have presentations every single day. This makes me very depressed. I am a very quiet person, so I rather die than to have presentations.

Some more, in this school, teachers does not teach. We have to find informations for ourselves. That is very terrible. Why should there still be teachers if they do not even want to teach? That is the reason why I hate this school. This school always work on temwork, and my teammates are not really good at cooperating for some. They say that I do not do anything at all, and insist me on doing. I really hate it. I do not really mind if they ask me to d work, but they should not say that I did not do anything. That is very mean.

Last night I have made a few nightmares. Not one, but a few. Maybe it is a reminder to me that school is going to be very horrible. The first nightmare is that I dream that my house have alo of ants, and all my house's things moved because of the ants carrying it. We see all the foods moving. When we look closely, it is actually ants moving it. We decided to track the ants and see where they go, and we can find their nest. I am shock to see that the nest is actually in my room, and there are a lot of ants on the floor.

The second nightmare is that I dream that I have a pet rat. After a while, it has died. I cannot remember how it died, but I keep have one feeling that I tortured it, eventhough I could not even remember anything at all. After a long time, it actually revived. We are all very shocked. When it revived, all its body has wounds, blood wounds, injured wounds, and part of its skin in its body are being teared off, it is like whole body s full of wounds, and at that time, it seems to be very fierce and violent, and when we catch it, it tries to shake very violent, and trying to bite us.

The third nightmare is abot a girl being tortured. A girl had been tortured by a lady, and she keep torturing her, and she somehow looks like half dead half alive, and it is very scary, and she even had a club poked right through into her nose, and it looks like her whole nose is gone. She is bleeding a lot, and a lot of wounds on her body.

She tries to seek revenge towards the owner. She slowly crawls into the owner's room, and just as she is about to kill the owner, the owner manages to escape off. Whether the girl is still living, or she is already dead and become a ghost, I do not know either.

All these nightmares happens on just one night. Recently I had a lot of nightmares, and I do not know why, maybe there is something bad going to happen soon. Could it be the asia's tsunami on the 22 July 2009? or could it be school?

1 comment:

慧·R said...

Dun be depressed...
It doesn't help =)
Be positive ^^