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Thursday, April 30, 2009

School of Hell

This morning, as usual, I go to school. While I am on my way to school, I feel like I am on my way to hell.

As I am walking into the school gate, I imagined walking into the hell gate. Then I see a very big and very fat guy, who looks like a executioner. Then I see a person carrying a very big bag, which seems like his bag is full of dangerous weapons.

I continued my way into my class. The teacher will be the judge of hell, and when I step into the class, judgement and punishment awaits me.

I feel that my life in school is horrible, especially with presentations. I really hate presentations. I rather die to have presentations.

Today after school, the whole class had gone for a talk. The talk is about our project. After hearing the talk, I feel very scared. The project sounds very scary. Not only we are going to write 2000 words, but we cannot copy from websites too,as there is a program to check.

I am a little worry at this moment. How am I going to survive? Can I pass this project? If I dfail this project, I will not be graduating anymore. It is so scary.

Also, we have to complete certain number of talks before we can graduate. My talk is not completed yet. There is still a very long way to go. I feel very sad. Why does this school has to set all those funny and useless school rules?

I really hate these stupid rules. This is a stupid school. I hate this school. Life is very unfair. I should not even come to this school at all.

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