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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Holidays ending soon

My holidays is going to end soon. I am so disappointed. My school starts next week. My brother already started school today. Now we are having our year end holiday, so it is quite long, but although it seems long, but now it is ending already. I donot like school, because school to me is like hell.

I always get ignored in school, and nobody talks to me. If I meet worst classmates, they want me to do every single thing, but in the end, they are the ones getting all the credit. Sometimes I do a lot of things, but because I am a quiet person, they tend to make use of this to make teacher believe that they are the one doing everything. All my classmates are very cruel and very evil.

Whenever teacher want us to do teamwork, they will do it all by themselves, and leave nothing for me to do. When it is something hard, they want me to do it. Teacher always said that I do not do anything at all. I am very angry. But there is nothing I can do. I just have to tolerate this for 2 more years. I just pray that I can successfully graduate, and forget all about school stuffs.

If someone wants me to choose between the hell army and school, I would rather choose to go for hell army than to choose school. School to me is really horrible. My school is like no discipline at all, and there are a lot of gangsters inside the school. At least hell army has a lot of discipline inside, and people will not anyhow do anything to us.

Maybe I am just unlucky, but all my classmates that I have met, all are not really nice, which makes me always anti-social in school, eventhough I d not want to.

All my classmates seems to be doing things among themselves, and do not wish that participated, maybe it is because my results is not very good. When I conributed points to them, sometimes tey do not even put it in. I feel that it is very unfair for me. If they do not wish to have my opinion, why should I even waste my time doing all the things for them?

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