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Friday, February 27, 2009

My brother's birthday



Today is 27 February, which is also my brother's birthday.

Of course, we are not from a rich family, so we do not prepare a luxurious celebration for my brother. It is not even a simple celebration. We did not celebrate it at all, because we are already very big age.

In the past, when we are still very young, my parents used to buy big cakes to celebrate with us. We did not held any major celebrations too, but just at night, we will close the living room lights, and we put the big cake at the living room, and light up all the candles.

We will then sing the birthday song, and blow off the candle, and eat up the cake. We also do not invite any relatives to come to our birthday, just a simple celebration, and finished.

As we grow older, birthdays are just like normal days. Each other just knows that it is their birthday on that day, and did not do any celebrations. Birthdays to us is just like normal days, no celebration.

Actually today we thought of buying a cake for my brother, but we still did not buy it in the end, the reason is because he is not at home this evening, and we thought that he might return very late sometimes, so in the end, we decided not to buy it.

He returned quite early on evening, but when he return, the cake shop is already closed. So we did not celebrate it in the end, as we already di not celebrate birthdays for years, and we tink that he might not mind that.

We had always feel that cakes are only for young kids, and now we are already very old. Moreover, when our parents are young, they do not even have any celebrations. As long as we are still able to remember each other's birthday, that is already very good enough. We do not really expect much things for birthdays actually.



give him a kiss la, u so cold to him =_=

慧·R said...

It's ok
That situation happens in many families =)

Dave said...

Happy birthday to your brother 'K' - Dave

Shirley said...

make a suprise to him lar,maybe pretend u forget his bday then @ 11.30 like that bring up the cake ,sure he would suprise